Lost Time Is Never Found Again

Lost Time Is Never Found Again

Poor Richard’s Almanac was an annual compendium of pithy proverbs and prognostications written and published by Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, under the pseudonym of Poor Richard. One of the most famous proverbs is, “Lost time is never found again.” So true,...
EpicentRx Word of the Week: Eustress

EpicentRx Word of the Week: Eustress

“I stress. You stress. We all scream for eustress.”         Eustress Definition (noun): a positive or beneficial form of stress. It is the opposite of distress or negative stress. Pronunciation: yoo-stress Example sentences: “Exercise is a form of...
Say Yes to Eustress

Say Yes to Eustress

“Wound up,” “stressed out,” “burned out,” “tied up in knots,” “on pins and needles,” “on eggshells,” “tensions are running high,” “I’m pulling my hair out,” “can’t take it anymore” etc. The English language has about 100 different ways to talk about the harmful...
The Great Debate

The Great Debate

Here is our list for the top 10 Greatest Debates in history (feel free to weigh in): 1. Creation vs. Evolution 2. Free Will vs. Destiny 3. Nature vs. Nurture 4. Pen vs. Sword 5. The Chicken vs. the Egg 6. Albert Einstein vs. Niels Bohr 7. Lincoln vs. Douglas 8. Cats...
Hot or Not?

Hot or Not?

From time to time in this space, we will apply the phrase “Hot or Not?” to tumors from cases that we know or read about. This is clinically relevant because tumors that are hot or immune-infiltrated tend to respond better to therapies. It is the goal of EpicentRx lead...