Blogging About Vlogging

May 28, 2024

Captain’s blog Stardate 5/28/2024

We’ve officially taken the plunge and launched a YouTube channel dedicated to video blogging or “vlogging” all-original EpicentRx-related content. After much back-and-forth with our dedicated PR and communications team, Ashley (“AT”), Jen, Chad, Nate, and Kira, we proudly announce the upload of our very first vlog entitled, “Shields Up, Resistance Down” narrated by EpicentRx CEO and budding video star, Dr. Tony Reid. Hurray!

In this 11 minute + video, Dr. Reid (Captain Reid) compares the very common problem of tumor treatment resistance to rotating defensive shields on the Starship USS Enterprise. As anyone familiar with Star Trek knows, the defensive shields are directional, so that, when the Enterprise comes under heavy fire from, say, the front, the Captain (and as a matter of personal preference we rank Patrick Stewart’s Jean-Luc Picard above all the rest) diverts all power to the forward shields, which makes the port and starboard flanks vulnerable to attack.

The same is roughly true of tumors. As Dr. Reid explains, energy/power is as finite in tumors as it is on the USS Enterprise so that in response to treatment with first-in-class anticancer agents like RRx-001 (nibrozetone) and AdAPT-001 the tumor is forced to divert these finite resources to defend against them, which makes it newly vulnerable to previously used therapies like chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

Check out the vlog here.

Tune in to the channel for many more all-original videos that will post soon.

To borrow Jean Luc Picard’s iconic catchphrase, we hope and expect that these vlogs will “engage.”