B-IO+ 2024

May 31, 2024

BIO, which stands for Biotechnology Innovation Organization, is a signature biotech partnering conference that will take place this year from June 3rd-6th at the downtown San Diego Convention Center, a few miles from EpicentRx HQ.

EpicentRx puts the “IO” in BIO: the IO stands for immuno-oncology since both AdAPT-001 and RRx-001 (nibrozetone) are IO therapies that have been trialed to promising effect with checkpoint inhibitors. However, IO+ is an even better description for multi-indication RRx-001 (nibrozetone).

    1. RRx-001 is in two late-stage clinical trials, Phase 3, and Phase 2b, respectively, for the treatment of small cell lung cancer (SCLC), REPLATINUM, and severe oral mucositis, KEVLARx.
    2. It will begin a grant-funded Phase 1 clinical trial this year in endometriosis.
    3. RRx-001 is neuroprotective, having been awarded no less than 4 prestigious grants to study it in Parkinson’s, ALS/MND, and Gulf War Illness (GWI) and plans are afoot to start a clinical trial in one or more of these indications.

We hope to see you there!

For more info contact: Sa’ar Yaniv for the ADAPT platform or Babak Alizadeh for the RRx-001 program.