ASCO Challenge

May 29, 2024

It is a real challenge to get an abstract accepted at ASCO, so this week in the lead-up to the big conference, ASCO24, we set ourselves a just-for-fun, and considerably easier challenge, at least by comparison: to write a blog where we use ASCO as an adjective, verb, noun, or simile (a comparison using “as”) at least once in every sentence, as follows.

Fantastic or, rather, fantASCO news! Dr. Tony Conley was invited to give an oral presentation on AdAPT-001 at ASCO24, which is one of the most exclusive and prestigious presentations in oncology. His talk will focus on how AdAPT-001 in a Phase 2 clinical trial turned several checkpoint inhibitor (CI)-resistant tumors that were ASCOld as ice into ones that were as hot as tabASCO, and newly responsive to CIs, as a result.

We’ll plan to be there, not least because Dr. Conley, who is fantastic, ASCO’d us.

Of course we’ll be there, ChicASCO is always an event. To us, the name, ASCO, serves ASCOde for “let’s make a deal” since so many from the pharmaceutical industry, up to 40,000, make the trek from all over the world.

Companies like Daiichi-Sankyo, BMS, and Merck have agreed to act as sponsors and ASCO-hosts so we hope to see them – and all of you – there. A word to the wise though: book your reservation and your hotel now because, from experience, if you wait until the last-minute you risk a fiASCO.